Tuesday, March 2, 2010

In you are not part of the solution.......

For the past year a great number of us have watched as a not so silent minority rant and rave about taking THEIR country back. Mostly ochestrated by leaders such as Dick Armey, Sarah Palin and Glen Beck to name a few they have dominated our national discourse with little oppostion. Fox News and others have encouraged people to attend venues billed as " grassroots movements".
Nothing productive thus far has been accomplished except making it impossible to accomplish anything. So maybe another approach is needed...
The mandate in the past election for healthcare reform, bringing our troops home, trying to clean up our polluted environment and getting people back to work has been ignored and blocked at every turn by the very people we "hired "to get it done.
In a very short time more than 50,000 people have begin to organize to voice our extreme displeasure in the way things are going, or should I say not going. The people joining together were not called on by paid entertainers and pundits, who are changing things all the way to the bank, while average americans are struggling to just make it through the week, forget about the month. This is truly what grassroots means.
Grassroots movements are not financed by corporations who have a vested interest in blocking legislation that cuts into their profits.
The coffeeparty is just getting started but has been brewing for awhile. The next months will be interesting with hopefully more people joining in and trying to be civil toward one another while we formulate our ideas. We can make it perfectly clear we will not tolerate the bickering among our elected "employees" that has paralyzed this nation like never before. In this, let us be clear, if they can't foster the bipartisan effort, we will do it for them at the polls in November....
Moving backward is not an option......

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